The turkey sandwich evolution

We all struggle making lasting life changes. I’m often asked how I made the changes necessary to lose – and more importantly – maintain a 150 pound weight loss. One of my favorite examples is the turkey sandwich evolution. In the past there had been repeated, dramatic declarations of I WILL CHANGE MY DIET COMPLETELY, […]

Oops, I’m stuck

If you’ve ever gained weight or lost weight, you have stories. Some of mine involve silly and stupid diets, eating myself sick going from fast food place to fast food place, hiding to eat in the car, liquid fasts, and avoiding friends and family. Some of my stories are funny, quite a few are sad, […]

Oh Look, TOES!!!!!!

For years I forgot I had toes. I mean, I knew I had toes because I stubbed them and bumped them and stood on them and used them to walk – but I couldn’t SEE them so they weren’t really there. Then one day, after losing about 50 pounds I looked down and ……… REAL […]

The Yoyo Factor

My weight was always a yoyo: lose 90, gain 80, lose 50, gain 70, lose 40, gain 60.  Even when I was in my teens it was a series of lose-gain, lose-gain. Do I still yoyo? You bet, but now I keep it within an 8-pound range. I love food — macaroni and cheese is […]

Move, just move

Oh the weather outside is frightful, and many of us have been stuck inside for days. Winter weather leaves most people opting for the couch instead of the treadmill — but not being able to go for a bike ride or a walk has me stir crazy. I’ve become addicted to movement; my body craves it. And […]