Oh Look, TOES!!!!!!

For years I forgot I had toes. I mean, I knew I had toes because I stubbed them and bumped them and stood on them and used them to walk – but I couldn’t SEE them so they weren’t really there.

Then one day, after losing about 50 pounds I looked down and ……… REAL LIVE VISIBLE TOES!!!! They were there, I could see them if I leaned over just a little bit, my ten toes. Reaching them was going to be a challenge but I knew with all my heart that I had to paint them. There was no doubt that they would be red – bright, perfect, not too blue, not too orange, pure and true red. After at least an hour standing in a grocery store aisle searching for the most perfect red ever it was time. Painting my newly discovered toes involved impressive body maneuvering. Move belly to the left, move body to the right, lift the leg, then – promptly fall backward into the sofa. One more time: sit forward on the couch, get the belly out of the way, lift the leg, begin painting.

It was the messiest pedicure ever but they were magnificent! I couldn’t remember the last time something brought me such joy. At that moment I vowed that my toes would always be painted. When I wasn’t at work I was either barefoot or in sandals and EVERY TIME I caught a glimpse of that perfect red, I smiled, giggled, and wiggled. One time I went and got a fancy pedicure but it just wasn’t the same. It was as if, once I found my toes, it only made sense that I should be the one to paint them.

Two years ago my Doctor told me I needed to go a good long time without painting my nails. At first it was brutal. There was no flash of red to make me smile. No flash of purple to make me realize I was meant to wear red. Sad naked toes.

This past weekend it had been 18 months and I decided that was long enough. I got my favorite red polish, my reading glasses (sigh,) sat forward on the couch (I’ve learned my lesson,) noticed I’m not as flexible as I used to be (sigh again,) and painted. When I was done, I giggled. It’s been 24 hours now and I can’t stop giggling, smiling, and wiggling.

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